Just the Tip of the Iceberg: Management by Dashboard

You have to deal with lots of information every day. Some with priority level "the roof is on fire", some with priority level "there's still time until next year" and all the shades of grey in between. LEADING Job shows you in the dashboard only what is relevant to you at that moment.


The challenge: In your everyday creative frenzy, you have to keep track of what should have been done yesterday and what is currently on the agenda. And anything that doesn't get relevant for another two weeks just steals your time and attention.

The solution: Management by Dashboard shows you only the tip of the iceberg. So you know where time and human resources are scarce. Where there's a fire. And how you can take the most effective countermeasures.


Albert Einstein said, "You have to make things as simple as possible. But not simpler. And that's exactly what LEADING Job does.

You are responsible for ten projects. Eight of them are on track, two of them have difficulties that require your immediate intervention. LEADING Job shows you only these two projects in the overview view. You don't need to worry about postponing deadlines that will not start to take effect until next week. So you have the head free for the really important things. And the resources to take care of it.

If you want to know how the sophisticated functionality of LEADING Job can help you save time and money, try our Savings Calculator.