LEADING Job Release Notes

Here you will find all updates to the LEADING Job agency software at a glance. Find out which new functions, optimizations and improvements make your work even easier.

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LEADING Job Release Note 24.10

The fifth update of 2024 brings a number of improvements that provide more stability and new features. Particularly noteworthy are the introduction of authorization limits for supplier invoices, new selection criteria for supplier reports, and a more flexible setting for the time format when entering hours. In addition, user guidance has been optimized, including a revised avatar editing function and a new confirmation window in time sheets. In the web application of Leading JOB each update only takes place after prior consultation with the customer. You can test the new features first in your test database.   

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LEADING Job Release Note 24.8

With the fourth update in 2024, LEADING Job becomes even more powerful and stable: alongside 15 minor optimizations, three new features are now available to simplify your workflow: You can now create variants of "synchronized" cost estimates and automatically cancel approved estimates, use the import function for the electronic XRechnung format (which will be mandatory in Germany starting in 2025), and jump directly from reports in the tool to the corresponding description in the manual via direct links. In the web application of Leading JOB each update only takes place after prior consultation with the customer. You can test the new features first in your test database.    

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LEADING Job Release Note 24.6

With the third update this year, we're offering 18 feature enhancements and 14 new functionalities designed to make your workflows more efficient and user-friendly. From extended system capabilities, new icons, and optimized modules to improved reporting options – we've made targeted adjustments in many areas of the software. Highlights include the new approval process for cost estimates, expanded possibilities in project and resource management, and the new flexible display options in the job survey report. In the web application of Leading JOB each update only takes place after prior consultation with the customer. You can test the new features first in your test database.  

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LEADING Job Release Note 24.4

In the latest version of LEADING Job, we have introduced 32 minor improvements and nine new features to make your user experience even more efficient and enjoyable. The highlights of this release include the new user interface for the management of books and number ranges and the introduction of the multiple-eye principle when authorising self-generated cost estimates. In addition, short explanations of the columns have been added in all modules to ensure better comprehensibility and user-friendliness. In the web application of Leading JOB each update only takes place after prior consultation with the customer. You can test the new features first in your test database.    

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LEADING Job Release Note 24.2

The latest version of Leading Job offers an optimised working environment with 20 functional improvements and six new functions. We are pleased to present a new user interface for the document management as well as the introduction of the definition of non-binary genders for contacts and employees. In the web application of Leading JOB each update only takes place after prior consultation with the customer. You can test the new features first in your test database.    

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LEADING Job Release Note 23.12

Our sixth update for 2023 brings a further increase in system stability through 19 functional improvements and bug fixes. The three added functions make LEADING Job even more user-friendly by providing short info texts for easier orientation within the modules, implementing full multilingual use of the dashboard and enabling the creation of blank cost estimates from jobs. In the web application of Leading JOB each update only takes place after prior consultation with the customer. You can test the new features first in your test database.    

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